Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Jocelyn's new pictures...she is getting so big!!

She loves the camera...SUCH A HAM!! She was yelling and laughing at the girl taking the pictures the whole time. I can't believe how big she is getting..she will be 18 months on September 2nd CRAZY! What would I ever do with out her??

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Having fun at the park with Kim.

Jocelyn and I met up with my friend Kim who just got back from Ecuador working with the Orphans down there. We went to a place down town called "Spoon Me" for frozen yogurt...it was really good!! It's really funny to me how much Jocelyn looks like she could be Kim's daughter...LOL..anyway after yogurt we thought it would be fun to take Joss to the park and swing...she loved it!!